Download scripts of Derek's latest plays

Some reviews of Derek's plays that are published and licensed by


This is undoubtedly Derek Webb's finest and most focused offering to date, and ideally suited to Fluellen's Lunchtime Theatre season at the Grand. A real gem.

Graham Williams, Swansea Evening post review


There is plenty to amuse in this play. A running theme of malapropisms from Joce provides plenty of laughs whilst Angela's line about them being 'horizontal cleaners' they don't do vertical surfaces had me laughing out loud.

Derek Webb consistently produces funny and easily accessible comedies and Dirty Business is perfect for a one act festival.

Amateur Stage Magazine, March 2012


“We did very well at the box-office. We made the highest profit for a Spring play apart from our production of 'Calendar Girls' a few years ago.

“So, thank you for a brilliant script - perfect for a dramatic group where the majority of members are of 'a certain age', and for our village community. We'll definitely be looking out for your other work. In addition, minor sprains and muscle pulls, amongst cast and crew, are now accompanied by the words, 'Not as bendy as we thought'.”

Pippa Abbott, The Lapworth Players


Swansea-based Fluellen Theatre Company's new Lunchtime Theatre season got off to a flying start with this nicely observed two-handed comedy from the pen of Derek Webb, whose previous offerings include CCTV and Celebulite.

This was the moment when what is known in theatrical circles as the "fourth wall" was well and truly torn down, as a woman stormed onto the stage from the audience to voice her protest.

I confess to being fooled for a moment, until I realised that the aggrieved punter was none other than Fluellen regular, Claire Novelli, who proceeded to take on the role of Jack's partner to great comic effect.

Graham Williams, Swansea Evening post review

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